Fractel clouds... Well there are ways of doin git....
1: take an already generated fractel cloud image generated and usit as abackdrop
2: take a vista iobject and make it clouds in imagine 2.0 <WARNING cloud objects dissapear when they are combined with a backdrop picture!!!!!!!
3: Bug steve worley into releasing his new package "Esscence" that can take fractel noise, aply it to an object and make animatable clouds out of it, swirling and edieing etc etc...
<Ive seen some of the output and have been calling steve all the time,
Im sure he hates my guts by now, but its worth the pain and torture when you see
the output!!!!!!!>
Guardian AKA AHD
<that guy that puts the jpegs on hubcap>
Subject: MMR+no RAM ->How fast?
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 1992 17:08:53 -0500
From: Steven Joseph Chmura <>
Memory world is currently selling MMR 20mhz+68881 for $289. The 25mhz
(all with mmu) +68882 is $350.
They also have static column ram for $89 with purchase.
I cannot afford to add 32bit ram to my system. I am tired of the 68000
version of Imagine, Sculpt, VistPRO ect.
I realize that for normal systyem operations I will see little or no
improvement. But how much imporvement will I see with these programs
that make extensive use of the math chip?
Also, how ,uch imporvement will I see in going from the 20mhz 68881 to
the 25mhz 68882?
Would the 512K static ram for kickstart be worth it for the rendering progs?
Also, has anyone heard any incompatability between MMR and SupraHD controllers?
Thanks. I would really appreciate some answers.
Subject: video printer
Date: Mon, 8 Jun 92 21:10:24 PDT
From: (Kevin Kodama)
well, i have managed to borrow a Sony color video printer UP-5000W for a
couple of days, and it is FUN ! have a pack of film, and am cranking out
hardcopy of toaster and imagine stuff ! the machine just hooks up through
composite, and prints in a minute or two ! small images only, 5x8, but
very nifty....
Subject: Re: video printer
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 2:38:15 CDT
From: "Scott Jones (Dr. Jones)" <>
I also had the chance to see a video printer last week! A Panasonic,
forget the model # (specs at work). The both, at a Teacher's Tech conv
had the machine hooked up to a regular camcorder. They had some picts
off from a Laser Video Player also, that were very impressive! They
took a pict of me and gave it to me. Not a bad little machine for
around $1200 (not meaning to sound like an add).
Sence seeing this machine I have been wondering about dunping 24bit
images to film (using the equipement we have). We have a Dos machine
with a 35mm slide/film printer from Montage that does a great job!
Problem is that I would have to convert the IFF24s, FrameStores, RGBs
into Targa or 24bit Tiff before printing.
I know that there are several products that do this, but would just
like your guys' opinions on them.
Type at ya l8r..
no fancy sig to skip :)
Subject: Labels
Date: Tue, 09 Jun 92 01:31:16 EDT
Ok, Gang I have a question for you, (actually 2 questions for you)
#1 How do you put labels on glass objects? Exp. A scale on a beaker!
#2 Does anyone use Scenery Animator2? I am trying to do an anim with it and
i keep getting ghosting on the anim. What I mean is that it will render the
first few frames then the top say 10 rows start showing ghosts from the
previous frames. (Am I clear on the explanation? It is kinda confusing)
Joe Cotellese
Subject: Re: video printer
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 7:04:01 MDT
From: (Edward Chadez)
In a previous letter, Kevin Kodama wrote:
} well, i have managed to borrow a Sony color video printer UP-5000W for a
} couple of days, and it is FUN ! have a pack of film, and am cranking out
} hardcopy of toaster and imagine stuff ! the machine just hooks up through
} composite, and prints in a minute or two ! small images only, 5x8, but
} very nifty....
Yes...but how much does it cost? :-)
Edward Chadez CARL Systems, Inc
Network/Operations (303)758-3030
Programmer Internet:
Subject: repeated messages
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 8:39:45 EDT
From: (Steve Pietrowicz)
I've sent e-mail to and to root@cowpas.UUCP
explaining the repeated e-mail message problem. The e-mail looks like it
was handed off from cowpas.UUCP OK, but when emory hands off to it's next
site ( it doesn't delete the mail...and it just keeps
queuing it to be sent. As I said, I sent e-mail to both sites, and hopefully
this will fix the problem.
On an Imagine related note :*)
Someone on CompuServe said that his check for Steve's book was returned from
Impulse because they were out of stock!! I gave that person the full info
about how to order the book directly, but I was a bit surprised to see that
Impulse just didn't re-order the book.... (Hey Steve, I'm sure you can
make a bunch-o-money if you release that book to the MS-DOS world when Impulse
hits the streets with it's Imagine for the PC. Good luck!)
Subject: Re: video printer
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 15:04:41 -0700
From: (66291000)
ADPro with its Professional Conversion Pak works great. (Especially if you
already have ADPro.... The Conv. Pak is $90 list.) It supports Rendition,
Targa, and TIFF. I've used the TIFF module with great success.
- Stefon
Subject: re: MMR+no RAM ->How fast?
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 18:17:55 CDT
From: dave@flip (Dave Wickard)
>From Tue Jun 9 12:44:41 1992
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 07:32:32 PDT
From: (Kevin W. Hobbs)
Subject: re: MMR+no RAM ->How fast?
Steven Joseph Chmura writes:
> Would the 512K static ram for kickstart be worth it for the rendering progs?
Yes, the ROM screen drawing routines are much faster when located in 32bit
memory. (Faster screen redraws, as one example.)
> Also, has anyone heard any incompatability between MMR and SupraHD controllers?
I had the Supra 500XP HD. Everything was find, untill I tried to get it working
with the MMR that is. I was on the phone several times with MMR and Supra about
the problem. Supra told me there weren't any problems that they had heard of,
they said they had tried the MMR on several A500's without a problem. MMR told
me that they have had problems in the past with getting the MMR to work with the
Supra 500XP. We tried several things; extra power supply for the HD, fine tuning
the voltage on the MMR board, trying to boot without the Supra Autoboot ROM, anyway
nothing worked. I had to sell the Supra. I now own a GVP, and it works!
I have seen on BIX that there was at least one other person that had the same
problems I did.
I would call MMR before you buy it.
Kevin Hobbs (
Subject: Welcome To My Nightmare
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 18:06:04 CDT
From: dave@flip (Dave Wickard)
Howdy Imagineers :-)
Amazingly, the bouncey bouncey troubles seem to have ended.
I had to take the Imagine Mailing List offline for a while
and just kinda stockpile the posts and hold them until the
bounces ended. They seem to have stopped now.
"Klang" was not at fault. It is correct that he only posted
it one time and some evil mailing loop created the trouble.
The System Administrator here and the one at the other site
are gonna butt heads and see if they can figure out what
caused it so as to avoid it in the future from repeating
and repeating and repeating. :-)
NOW...if I may impress on you the importance of only
passing along the
account to non-List members. When a new account is
requested, the first thing I do is send the little
Imagine Mailing List Guide as a sort of test send.
This will eliminate most of our troubles and keep
addresses that can't be connected properly from
accessing the List until we have things talking smoothly
between us. So if you want to pass along the List to
a friend...on USENET...or a BBS...or whatever....
please do! But please pass along the
address to begin with. I get to them every weekday without fail (when I am
at work that is ;-) ) so nobody has to wait long at all.
ALSO, the mail that I "collected" in a dummy account during the
bounce period will be following this note. It will be
listed as being from ME...since I am reposting it...but
the correct person posting will be referenced in it.
As far as the Imagine Contest goes....I still have a few
calls left to make regarding prizes, and after I get THAT all
settled, we will post the official rules and time periods and
that kinda thing....but since it has NOT been decided
yet, feel free to keep bouncing ideas around!
That's about it for now...thank you for the personal mail
phone calls, and your continued interest in the Imagine
Mailing List.
By the way, we are just about at the 300 mark for member sites.
Amazing ain't it? :-)
Dave Wickard (612) 456-4725
Subject: A Not So FAQ?
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 18:09:32 CDT
From: dave@flip (Dave Wickard)
>From Tue Jun 9 10:20:46 1992
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 10:20:25 -0500
From: (PJ Foley)
Subject: A not so FAQ???
I just had a problem losing polygons and entire objects in SCANLINE mode. I
made a 25 frame animation that rendered overnight, and frames 3-5 have missing
objects (or at least parts of them). Strange problem. I really doubt it was
do to memory loss because I'm using no brushmaps, I was not using any other
programs at the time, and I have a 14Meg system.
Any ideas? Meanwhile I'll see if I can repeat this problem.
Kinetic Dreams
Subject: re:Labels
Date: Tue, 9 Jun 92 18:14:11 CDT
From: dave@flip (Dave Wickard)
>From Tue Jun 9 11:36:30 1992
I'm trying to get a realistic sunset. My scene contains a ship on the ocean at sunset. The lighting in the scene is fine. Everything looks real except for the sun. The sun is a sphere and has the attribute of a light source. This gave me a orange ball that was shaded on one side. I tried changing the attribute to bright which corrected the shading problem, but the one thing that still remains is that the sun has very hard edges.
I've tried to use fog to soften them but no such luck. Any ideas???
Subject: Questions
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 00:06:09 PST
From: (Kenny Sequeira)
Here are a few questions I have about Imagine 2.0.
I'm Having trouble with the brick texture on a infinite plane. The bricks
never seem to ome out correctly especially at the horzion. I can get the
texture to work ok if I use a plane of a set size.
If I have a set of objects grouped together and use the split Function
on any object Imagine will not allow me to pick most of the objects they
just sit there and it does not mater what pick mode your in. To get around
this before I do a split on any object I always un-group. This not a big
problem just a minor inconvenience.
Is it a copyright violation to use Imagine screen shots in a program or
tutioral. just wondering.
One last questin, why can you lock the pallete in Imagine's RGBN format
but not in IFF format when creating anims.
Subject: Re: Some Effects and Questions...
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 92 09:40:08 EDT
From: Mark Thompson <>
> 3) Okay, this was in the Toaster 2.0 video. When the first spaceship is
> shown lifting off between the trees, it's lights come between the trees and
> you get that "beams of light in clouds" effect. I HAVE NO IDEA HOW THIS WAS
> DONE. If anyone knows, please tell me. Thanks.
This is one of several features that are completely unique to LightWave.
LightWave allows complete control over object edge transparency. This
allows very simple and speedy simulation of glows and many other effects.
Besides light beams it can be used for rocket exhausts, flames, neon,